John Wells joined the Mississippi Insurance Department in 1998 as Deputy Rating Director and was appointed Rating Director in June 2005. He began his insurance career in 1976 with Kemper Insurance, Jackson, Mississippi as a Personal Lines Underwriter. In 1980, John accepted an Agency Marketing Representative position in Mississippi with Utica National Group and served in a similar position with The Dodson Group, Kansas City, Missouri from 1986 to 1998. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in General Business from Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, in 1975 and earned his CIC (Certified Insurance Counselor) Designation in 1996.
The Property and Casualty Rating Division is responsible for reviewing the rates, rules and forms for all property and casualty policies sold by licensed insurance companies in the State. Regulations for procedures to be followed by the companies are contained in Miss. Code Ann. d 83-2-1 et. seq.
The Division operates under a prior approval law, requiring that all insurance companies, rating and advisory organizations must have rates, rules and forms approved before the policy or program is sold. The law has a "deemer" provision, requiring the Division to act on all filings within 30 days of receipt.
When companies submit requests for changes in rates, rules or forms, Division personnel provide the Commissioner a summary of findings and recommend approval or disapproval. Actuarial assistance is sought on certain filings, particularly those involving changes in rates. The Division's personnel answer technical questions, and assist the public with insurance problems. Assistance is also given to the Commissioner on various calls and letters he receives.