Strengthen Mississippi Homes (SMH), a program administered by the Mississippi Insurance Department and established pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. §83-1-191, and for which funding was made available by the Mississippi
Legislature House Bill 1705, 2024 Regular Session of the Mississippi Legislature, seeks to measure public interest in mitigation grants available to consumers to mitigate existing properties to the IBHS FORTIFIED
standard. This information will used by SMH to determine current and future levels of funding necessary to administer the SMH program as well as the process for applications and consideration of same.
Submission of personal information on the link below does not constitute a grant round application nor does it guarantee selection in the program or successful grant funding or award. SMH will use this
information to determine appropriate next steps as the program develops.
Before a consumer submits the requested information, SMH strongly advises you to read and consider the program requirements
and qualifications for a property to be considered for the grant program. They are as follows:
In order to submit the form, you must certify the information by checking the checkbox